Hillco Technologies

Hillco Wrap Twine Remover Benefits  

Hillco Wrap Twine Remover

Cattle ranching has been an essential part of human civilization since the beginning of time. With advancements in technology, necessary daily ranching tasks have become more efficient and effective, resulting in healthier animals, better genetics, improved nutrition and much more.

One of the most plodding and often repetitive tasks faced by ranchers is the removal of twine and net wrap from bales of hay or straw before use. The primary reason for the removal of twine and net wrap is to keep the cattle from ingesting it. The Hillco Technologies Wrap Twine Remover (WTR) offers an attractive way of removing the wrap and twine without the operator needing to get off and on the tractor.

About Hillco Technologies Wrap Twine Remover

The Hillco Technologies Wrap Twine Remover is an attachment that removes twine and net wrap from large round bales or large square bales quickly and efficiently without the need for the operator to get off the tractor. The WTR is mounted on the front of the tractor and is powered by the tractor’s hydraulic system. The 12-volt power supplied by the tractor allows the operator to switch between the 3 functions of cutting/grabbing, squeezing, and arm rotation.
The WTR uses a unique cutting and grabbing system that cleanly slices through the twine and net wrap, leaving the bale intact. On the right arm of the WTR there is a blade that cuts the wrap or twine and the left arm is lined with depth adjustable hooks that simultaneously grab the wrap or twine and hold it until the operator chooses to release it.

Top 5 Benefits of the Hillco Technologies Wrap Twine Remover

  1. Cattle Health

The number one reason that cattle ranchers benefit from the Hillco Wrap Twine Remover is reducing the risk of death or illness from cows ingesting the wrap or twine. Cows aren’t picky and have no problem eating twine and net wrap however they’re unable to digest it and it can lead to illness and even death.

       2. Saves Time and Labor

Traditionally, ranchers remove twine and net wrap from bales manually, which is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Before feeding or using each bale, the operator is required to get off the tractor to cut and remove the net wrap or twine. With the Hillco WTR, they can now remove twine and net wrap from bales quickly and efficiently, without the need to get on and off the tractor.

      3. Improves Safety

There are multiple safety measures that are important to consider that the use of the WTR reduces and/or eliminates. Firstly, the task of getting on and off the tractor in often thick, slippery muck, mud, and manure is eliminated which greatly reduces the risk of falling and injuring the operator. Secondly, removing the net wrap or twine manually requires the use of sharp knives in often slippery, cold, wet conditions and the WTR handles the cutting and removal without the need for the operator to handle such tools.  And lastly, there is some risk when getting out among a herd of cattle and by safely remaining in the tractor the risk of getting stepped on, pushed around, knocked over or even trampled is mitigated with the use of the WTR.

       4. Preserves Bale Quality

There is not another option on the market that removes the net wrap and twine while leaving the bale intact, as the WTR does. The only other options available that offers some of the same benefits actually cut the bale completely in half which and thus must be positioned in place upon splitting. The Hillco WTR does not cut the bale in half and allows the bale to be placed directly into the feeder or tub grinder without being destroyed prior to placement and with the squeeze function there is the opportunity to reposition or even move to another feeder without losing the entire bale.

       5. Cost-Effective

The Hillco Technologies Wrap Twine Remover is a one-time investment that pays for itself in the long run. It eliminates the need for manual labor, increases safety of the operator, and saves time and money for cattle ranchers.


The Hillco Technologies Wrap Twine Remover is an innovative attachment that has revolutionized the way ranchers remove the twine and net wrap from bales of hay or straw. Its time-saving, labor-saving, and cost-saving features make it a superior tool for ranchers. The ability to preserve bale quality and improve safety makes it a valuable investment for any cattle operation. Interested in the WTR? Give us a call at 800-937-2461

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Return on Investment Calculator

This calculator is designed to determine the return on investment for a Hillco leveling system equipped combine versus a non-leveling combine operating in sloping conditions.

Acreage Information

Crop Information

Enter your operation's statistics and estimates.

Acreage / Slope Information

Estimate the percentage of total harvested acres that lay within the various slope ranges in your farming operation.
For all Wheat Acreage
See Slope reference chart
Percentage slope values must equal 100%
Your Harvest Speeds and Machine Harvested Yield (MHY)

Non-Leveling Ground Speed in MPH

Enter the average harvesting speed for your non-leveling combine in the various slope ranges at the average yield entered in the Crop Information section above.

Slope Reference Graph

Reduction in Machine Harvested Yield (bu/acre)

Estimate the reduction of Machine Harvested Yield (MHY) for each slope range if you were harvesting at the speed you entered for 0-3% slopes. (The calcultor will then project expected reductions in MHY for each slope range at your previously estimated ground speeds.)

You may opt to enter the test data which was determined by actual field testing by Hillco (based on 5 mph harvesting speed).

Reduction in MHY is used in these calculations rather than field loss. Reduction in MHY is a more accurate guage of combine harvesting efficiency because it can be determined by actually weighing the harvested yield rather than estimating the amount of yield lost to the ground.

Use test data or your own
Your Combine and Header Information
Enter your expected combine harvesting efficiency. Typically a combine operates at approximately 70% efficiency. If the Total Annual Separator Hours calculated below look too small you may want to decrease the combine efficiency. If the Total Annual Separator Hours calculated below look too large you may want to increase the combine efficiency.
Wheat head width in feet
Corn head width in feet
Flex header width in feet
Combine Field Efficiency (Typically 70%)
(Must enter value other than 0%)
Your Operational Costs
This total should include additional cost of benefits and taxes. If you wish to include the grain cart operator's cost add the hourly wage to the combine operator hourly labor costs.
Combine Operator Labor Cost (per hour, including taxes and benefits)
Combine Fuel Cost

If you wish to include added grain cart fuel add hourly grain cart fuel usage to the combine fuel usage.

Combine Fuel Consumption (Hourly - Typically 11-13 gph)

Cost per added separator hour usually runs approximately $180 per hour for new combines to $30 per hour for older used combines. If you don't want to consider the added benefit of lower separator hours enter $0.

Cost Per Separator Hour
(How much does your combine devalue for each added separator hour of use?)

Use example prices below or obtain a quote from your local dealership.

List price examples for leveling systems used on John Deere combines:
Leveling System Model 2955S for -- 9560-70 STS combine dual tire, w/ Hillco Leveler Installed = $42,960.00 List Price

Leveling System Model 2970S for -- 96-97-9860-70 STS combine,dual tire w/ Hillco Leveler Installed = $42,085.00 List Price

List price examples for leveling systems used on Case-IH combines:
Leveling System Model 2800 for -- 2577-88 combine, dual tire w/Hillco Leveler, Installed = $42,210.00 List Price

See examples or call your local dealership for a quote.
(On Leveling System Financing)

Enter the number of years (from 1 to 5, whole number) for the desired calculation period.

Market value at the end of 5 years regardless of the length of the calculation period.

Used in net present value calculation

Cash Flows (Totals for Calculation Period)
Positive Cash Flows
Labor Savings
Fuel and Lubcriation Savings
Increased Income from Machine Harvested Yield
Residual Value of Leveling System (At end of Calculation Period)
Increased Combine Value Due to Reduced Separator Hours
Total Positive Cash Flows
Negative Cash Flows
Leveling System Cost (Total Principle & Interest Payments)
Remaining Principle Balance On 5 Year Note
Leveling System Maintenance Cost (Annual 2% of Purchase Price)
Total Negative Cash Flows
Total Net Cash Flow (Positive - Negative)
Investment Analysis
Total Average Annual Separator Hours (without leveling system)
Total Average Annual Separator Hours (with leveling system)
Average Annual Separator Hour Savings
Total Separator Hour Savings as % of Total Separator Hours
Average Payback Period (in years)
The length of time it takes for an investment to recover its initial cost.
Total Net Present Value of Cash Flows
NPV compares the value of a dollar today to the value of that same dollar in the future, taking inflation and returns into account.
Internal Rate of Return
The internal rate of return (IRR) method allows you to consider the time value of money. It is the interest rate that is equivalent to the dollar returns you expect from your project. Once you know the rate, you can compare it to the rates you could earn by investing your money in other projects or investments. Usually a business owner will insist that in order to be acceptable, a project must be expected to earn an IRR that is at least several percentage points higher than the cost of borrowing, to compensate the company for its risk, time, and trouble associated with the project.